Woodbridge Glass | Werner Systems

UCLA Wilshire Center

Built in 1981, the UCLA Wilshire Center high rise tower located at 10920 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, California consists of approximately 330,000 gross square feet of office space, ground floor retail, and a five level subterranean parking structure. This project consisted of an exterior wall composite metal re-clad of the 18 floors including mechanical penthouse. Phase 1 removed existing metal panel cladding and retained the existing window glazing in place. Existing building elements replaced included the metal panels and louvers, while the existing mullions were re-clad. The furred drywall partition under the window sill remained in place at the interior.

All panels were replaced from exterior of building off swing stages on day shift, followed by the replacement of glass and fascias on night shift. Two spyder cranes, which had to be disassembled and then reassembled) on roof were used to distribute material. Woodbridge Glass, Inc. designed and installed working protective overhead platform on ground level, around all sides of the building, to ensure employee and public safety.

Woodbridge Glass, Inc. was both the general and glazing contractor on this project, which replaced the curtain wall on the UCLA Wilshire Center in order to correct surface and water intrusion deficiencies. Site repairs at the street entrances were also completed.

Architect: Johnson Fain, Los Angeles, California, USA

General Contractor: Woodbridge Glass, Tustin, California, USA

Glazing Contractor: Woodbridge Glass, Tustin, California, USA